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Bay Law Injury Attorneys

With Bay

Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer

Getting injured in a car accident is a traumatic event that can have a long-lasting impact on every aspect of your life. If you are seriously injured because of another person’s negligence, you need the legal assistance of a Las Vegas car accident lawyer. A serious injury can turn your world upside down. You might find yourself with a growing mound of medical bills and no longer capable of earning an income. Trying to navigate the insurance process alone might result in your not getting the maximum compensation to cover all your expenses and damages. The experienced Las Vegas accident lawyers at Bay Law Injury Attorneys can help.

It isn’t difficult to find an auto accident lawyer in Las Vegas, but your situation demands quality representation. Our team of accident attorneys understands that a car accident is a life-altering event that carries an overwhelming emotional toll. “Better with Bay” isn’t just a motto or slogan. It’s our promise to always give you the understanding and attention you need to get through a devastating time. We are here to advise you on the resources you need and give you the best legal strategy for handling your personal injury claim.

Some reasons to make Bay Law Injury Attorneys your first choice when you need an accident lawyer in Las Vegas include:

  • Extensive experience dealing with cases like yours
  • Personal attention based on each client’s individual needs
  • Our determination to get you the maximum settlement for your personal injury claim
  • No up-front fees and you only pay for our services if we are successful at obtaining compensation for your case

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident is difficult — especially when you’re in pain and struggling to heal from your injuries. The problem is that ignoring the legal aspect of your claim will only make things worse. You only have one chance to get compensation for your personal injury, and there’s a time limit for filing a claim against the at-fault driver. Let us help you deal with the process and advise you on which path to take in pursuit of your legal claim.

Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney in Las Vegas?

Most people never think about the impact a car accident might have on their lives until the unthinkable happens. You don’t think a serious car accident can happen to you. When it does, you don’t know what to do to cover your medical costs, lost wages, and the pain and suffering your injuries cause. An experienced Las Vegas lawyer has experience filing claims and negotiating with insurance companies. A caring, knowledgeable professional can get the best results possible for your case.

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Know the

General Facts

about Car Accidents

The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) reported, in its 2021 Facts and Figures, that there were more than 2.2 million licensed drivers in the State of Nevada. In 2020, there were more than 43,000 car accidents. Of these car accidents:

Resulted In Property Damage

Resulted In Injury

Resulted In Fatalities

In general, motor vehicle-related fatalities and fatal crashes in Nevada have increased over the past decade. From January to November of 2022 alone, there have been more than 320 fatal car crashes — and 348 related fatalities.

Common Causes of

Automobile Accidents

in Las Vegas

Car accidents happen without any warning. Nothing compares to the sound of metal crashing into metal when another vehicle collides with yours. Although the accident happens in a matter of seconds, the emotional and physical impact might last for days, months, or the rest of your life.

Car crashes almost never happen because of an “accident.” Someone is usually at fault, either from negligence or willful disregard. When their actions or inactions result in injuries, you should get compensation for the harm they caused. You might not realize the total impact the crash will have on your life for some time. You might even feel some responsibility for the accident even though you did nothing wrong. Once a car injury attorney examines the evidence of your case, they can explain what caused your accident and why the other driver is to blame.

Some common causes of automobile accidents include:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major problem in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the surrounding areas. With the city being a popular tourist destination, the roads are always busy, and distractions are everywhere. Whether it’s the bright lights of the Strip, the sounds of slot machines, or simply trying to navigate an unfamiliar area, drivers can easily become distracted.

Unfortunately, distracted driving often leads to serious accidents and injuries. According to the Nevada Department of Transportation, in 2019 alone, there were 8,306 crashes in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas. Of those, 3,355 were attributed to driver inattention. If you have been injured in a distracted driving accident in Las Vegas, contact Bay Law Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.


intoxicated drivingIntoxicated Driving

Drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs are a serious danger to other drivers. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while under the influence (DUI) with a BAC level of 0.08% or higher is also a serious crime. Intoxication affects a person’s driving skills in several ways. Alcohol slows down reaction time, reduces concentration, and decreases vision. It also inhibits a person’s judgment, which might be the reason they got behind the wheel when they were not in any condition to drive.

If the driver that caused your injuries was intoxicated, your case requires the expertise of an accident attorney in Las Vegas. The attorney must collect all the available evidence to prove that a drunk driver was at fault for the wreck. If they were convicted of drunk driving at the time of the accident, it could help with your personal injury lawsuit.
Part of the job of an accident lawyer is to gather evidence that will prove fault in the case. When too much time passes, some types of evidence go away. The sooner you get in touch with an accident attorney, the sooner they can get to work on your car accident claim.

Follow Too Closely

Drivers that follow too closely are at risk of hitting you from behind. One of the biggest reasons for tailgating is that they want you to speed up. If there isn’t a passing lane or traffic is heavy, they might not have any choice but to continue driving behind you. They don’t take the road or traffic conditions into consideration. If there isn’t enough room for them to stop suddenly, they might crash into the car in front of them.

If you are rear-ended while driving in Las Vegas, there are some things you should do right after the accident. First, get medical attention for any injuries. Getting hit from the rear often leads to injuries to the neck and spine. You should also call 911 and report the accident to law enforcement. If the accident is minor, move your vehicle out of the road.

The driver in the rear is almost always at-fault for a rear-end collision. They have the responsibility to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of them and to be aware when conditions change. When you get injured because a driver failed to meet their obligation, you have the right to receive financial compensation for your injuries and damages. The accident lawyers in Las Vegas can help you take steps to report the accident and pursue the damages by legal means if needed.

Reckless Driving

Nevada law defines reckless driving as “operating a vehicle in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.” Driving recklessly includes traffic violations such as not using turn signals, failing to stop at stop signs, failing to stop at red lights, running yellow lights, road rage behavior, speeding in excess amounts above the speed limit, and hitting other vehicles or objects.

Normally, reckless driving is charged as a misdemeanor in Las Vegas. In 2021, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak signed a bill into law that decriminalizes most minor traffic offenses and classified them instead as civil infractions. Any traffic offense might lead to jail time in the state, but those charged as felony criminal offenses carry harsher penalties.

If a driver is guilty of reckless driving and they cause the injury or death of another person, they will get charged with a felony. If you lose a loved one because of another person’s felony reckless driving, you need a fatal car accident lawyer who will help you get justice for your loss.

It isn’t enough to rely on the accident report to prove the other driver caused the accident from reckless driving. It is up to you to prove that the other driver caused the accident by committing a traffic offense. Your Las Vegas car accident lawyer will investigate whether the other driver has pleaded guilty to a traffic offense in connection with the accident and whether they received a ticket. An accident attorney knows where to look for evidence that will help prove fault in your car accident case.

Failure to Yield

Las Vegas has right-of-way laws that determine which car must wait to go when another vehicle is present. When a driver either lacks a comprehensive understanding of the law or they fail to follow it, it often results in serious accidents. Some instances where drivers must yield include when cars enter the same intersection from a different roadway or yielding to drivers in the right lane when approaching an intersection simultaneously from the same direction.

Failure to yield accidents occur when one vehicle hits the other in the side. This impact commonly causes severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, bone fractures, back and spinal cord damage, soft tissue injuries, and death. If you are seriously injured from a failure to yield accident or you’ve lost a loved one, talk to an auto accident lawyer in Las Vegas about the circumstances of your accident. If the other driver was negligent, you might have a right to seek compensation for your medical costs and lost wages.

The biggest challenge in a failure-to-yield case is proving that you had the right of way and that the other driver failed to yield. Negotiating your claim with insurance companies isn’t something you need to do alone. Let an experienced accident attorney build a stronger case while you spend your time healing.

Other Things You Should Do

After A Car Accident

In anticipation of a potential dispute — whether it’s with an insurance company or the other driver — there are a number of things you should do. These include:

  • Collecting names, addresses, and contact information for any potential witnesses
  • Documenting the collision scene by taking photos or video
  • Contacting your insurance company to give them your account of what happened
  • Seeking medical attention if you think you may have sustained any injury
  • Consulting with a car accident lawyer in Henderson

Why Medical Attention Is Important

Seeking timely medical attention is more important than many people realize. Obviously, traumatic brain injuries, contusions, organ damage, and neck/spinal cord injuries should be treated immediately. Some injuries, such as cuts and lacerations or broken bones, are easy to discern. Things like soft-tissue injuries, for example, are less obvious and may not fully develop right away. Your physician will know what signs to look for and, based on your account, what possible future injuries may develop. Their reports will also provide crucial documentation about the injuries you have suffered.

You should also, as soon as practicable, consult with a Henderson car accident  attorney. Not only can they assess your case, but they can also identify what information you need to gather or other steps you must take in order to support your case. They may send you to get a second medical opinion — or recommend that you get assessed for PTSD. This may open up a new area for potential compensation you didn’t realize you had.

More importantly, they are there to ensure that your legal rights and entitlements are protected at every stage of your compensation claim. You may encounter opponents — parties whose interests will directly oppose yours — at every stage of the investigation and claim process, including:

  • The other party or parties
  • Your insurance company
  • The other party’s insurance company (or parties’ insurance companies)
  • Lawyers for the other party or parties

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If you’re not able to travel to our office, we are willing to meet with you at your home or hospital to discuss the way forward. We have already recovered over $2 billion for our customers and look forward to assisting you too.

What Lawyers May Look

For In Your Case

There are issues you may not be aware of — that a lawyer may identify, such as:

  • Timing of the request for PBT and when it might be construed as an unlawful search
  • Whether the police followed rules set out in regulations when administering the EBT
  • Reliability of the breathalyzer results — based on procedural, environmental, and physiological circumstances
  • Other explanations for the breathalyzer readings

If a car accident lawyer is able to cast doubt about the accuracy of the EBT findings, they may be able to convince a court to exclude the results as evidence. This could potentially pave the way to an acquittal or dismissal, a reduction of the charges (to reckless driving or another offense under highway traffic laws, for example).

Las Vegas

Car Accident FAQs


01. I was hurt in a car crash. Should I make a claim for my injuries?

Determining fault in a car accident is one of the most important and complex matters for anyone with injuries. Nevada law requires the driver who caused the accident to pay for injuries and damages to the injured parties. A Las Vegas auto accident attorney will evaluate the circumstances of the accident and help you decide if filing a claim is the right choice for you.

At your consultation, the accident attorney will look at the evidence you have for your case. Bring any photos you took of the accident scene, eyewitness accounts, a copy of the police report, the date and location of the accident, and the makes and models of the cars involved.

The accident attorneys at Bay Law Injury Attorneys offer a free consultation to discuss the details of your claim. If you decide to pursue your claim, we will work on contingency, so you pay nothing unless you receive compensation. We will negotiate with the insurance company and represent you in court if we can’t reach an agreement. We understand how difficult it is to navigate the accident claims process while trying to heal from your injuries. We get to work fast to help you get better.

02. How much insurance do I need to have on my car?

Each state has minimum auto insurance requirements that every driver must carry. In Nevada, the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage is $25,000 in bodily per person and $50,000 in bodily injury per accident. They must also carry $20,000 in property damage.

Many people only carry the minimum amount of insurance required to drive their vehicles. Although you have the option to buy additional types and amounts of coverage, getting more insurance increases your premium payments. The problem is that medical bills and the cost of a new vehicle is typically more than the maximum payment by the insurance company. Two types of coverage you should add include uninsured/underinsured motorists and medical payments (Medpay.) These will help you cover injuries to yourself and your passengers regardless of who is at fault for an accident.

You should carry more than the minimum amount of liability required by the state. If you are at fault for an accident that causes injuries and damages far above the amount of your insurance, the injured party can sue you for the balance of the compensation. The only way that auto insurance protects you is when you carry enough. If you can’t afford higher premiums, consider getting a higher deductible to lower your payments.

03. Can you file an insurance claim without a police report?

Nevada does require filing a police report for most car accidents. However, there is no law preventing you from filing an insurance claim without a police report. Don’t be surprised if the insurance company protests your claim. The accident report is a key piece of evidence. Without it, you will have a difficult time getting the full amount of compensation that you deserve.

Your Las Vegas car accident attorney will use the information in the police report to build your case. It contains a great deal of information about how the accident took place. In addition to details about where and when the accident occurred, the report also provides the names of eyewitnesses, an assessment of the damage to both vehicles, and whether either driver was cited for a violation.

The police report serves as the foundation for your car accident case. If you need to file a claim with the insurance company, you should try to obtain a copy first. Read through the report and determine if there are any discrepancies between your account and that of the responding officer. If there are, describe them to your accident attorney. There might be other evidence to help support your understanding of the events.

04. Is Nevada a No-Fault State?

No, Nevada is a fault state, meaning that the person who is determined to be at fault for the accident is responsible for any damages or injuries. Determining who is at fault is essential to getting compensation. Often, the insurance company will try to put the blame on the victim to keep from having to pay a settlement.

Nevada also follows a modified comparative negligence rule. This means that you can still collect a settlement if you are partially to blame if you are less than 50% liable. If the court determines that you were 25% to blame for the accident and you are awarded $100,000, you will only receive 75% or $75,000. If you are determined to be 75% to blame, you can’t receive any compensation.

Bay Law Injury Attorneys has a team of accident lawyers in Las Vegas who are ready to investigate your case. We know the kinds of evidence it takes to prove fault and the tactics used by insurance companies to shift the blame back to you. We also have the expertise to negotiate with insurance companies to get you a fair settlement. You should never have to navigate the claims process with the insurance company on your own.

05. What do you do after a car accident?

Getting medical attention for your injuries is always the first priority after a car accident. You should also check to see if anyone else is seriously injured. If your symptoms aren’t serious enough to require emergency transportation, stay at the scene to get contact and insurance information from the other drivers and any witnesses.

Use your cell phone to take pictures of the vehicles, their license plates, traffic lights and signs, and any conditions that might have contributed to the accident. Look for skid marks on the road or any obstructions that might have contributed to the wreck. Make sure that you or someone else calls the police. When they arrive, ask them how to get a copy of the police report.

Report the accident to your insurance company right away. You do not need to contact the other driver’s insurance company. If the insurance adjuster from the other driver’s insurance company tries to contact you, refer them to your accident attorney. Often, insurance companies try to contact accident victims early on and make them an offer that is too low. That’s one reason that you need the services of a Las Vegas car accident lawyer to represent you.

06. How long do you have to report a car accident to your insurance?

Your time limit for reporting a car accident to your insurance company will depend on the terms of your policy. You should make every effort to understand all the terms of your policy. Failing to do so might allow the company to deny you coverage later on.

Drivers sometimes opt not to file an insurance claim when they hit a stationary object, or no one else got injured in the crash. Under these circumstances, you might prefer to pay for any damages out of pocket to avoid increasing your insurance rates.
For more serious accidents where law enforcement responds and makes a report, you should report the accident. The same is true for accidents where even minor injuries occurred. The insurance company will receive a copy of the police report. If you haven’t reported it, the insurance company might penalize you by reducing or canceling your coverage.

If the driver that hit you was driving intoxicated at the time of the accident, they must obtain an SR-22 from their insurance company before they can get their driver’s license reinstated. This document serves as proof of financial responsibility that the driver has the minimum liability coverage to keep their driver’s license in Nevada.

07. Do you have to call the police after a minor car accident?

Nevada requires you to call the police after an accident unless there are no other vehicles or even minor injuries involved. Failing to report an accident can result in having your driver’s license suspended for up to one year.

Failing to call the police after an accident in which someone is injured might be considered a hit-and-run felony. It’s a good idea to call the police even if no one appears to be injured. Some injuries don’t present symptoms for hours or even days after the accident.

Sometimes drivers have reasons for not wanting to report the accident. They might try to persuade you to just settle the damages out of pocket without involving law enforcement. They might have a suspended license or have a warrant out for their arrest. If they become hostile, calling the police is probably the best solution.

Remember, it’s your legal obligation to report an accident any time there are injuries. If it’s a judgment call, don’t take chances. Meeting your legal obligation will help protect you when delayed injuries appear later.

08. What if I was partly at fault for an accident?

If you broke a law when the accident happened, you might be partially at fault. As long as you were less than 50% at fault, you can still file a claim for compensation in Nevada. Since the assignment of fault determines whether the insurance company must pay your claim, it is often an arguing point between the two sides.

Your accident attorney can help you determine what portion of the accident is your fault. Even if your share of the liability is small, the insurance company will try to shift the blame to you. This is a common tactic when handling insurance claims in the state.

If you are partly at fault for the accident, it will reduce the amount of compensation that you get. Although the award will still be for the same amount, an equivalent portion will be deducted from it. Depending on the damages you might receive, even a percentage of the compensation might be enough to relieve your financial losses.

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Talk to A las vegas
Car Accident Lawyer

Never leave your car accident compensation to chance — there is too much at stake. Find out what you’re entitled to, what to expect during the claim process, and the next steps you need to take. Let us protect your legal rights. Contact us today if you have been in a car accident and suffered any injury.